Sponsorship Levels: Your Gift in Action
We appreciate your support for Books for Keeps! This page no longer accepts donations, but you can always find us at www.booksforkeeps.org/donate
- $25 - Support a summer's worth of reading (12 books!) for 1 elementary student
- $50 - Support a school year of reading (3 books per month!) for 1 Pre-K student
- $100 - Support a trip to the Community Book Fair (100 books!) for 1 community member
- $500 - Support book access for an entire elementary classroom (12 new books for each student!)
- $1,000 - Support 1 community event for 50+ children through the BFK Bookmobile!
- $2,500 - Support summer reading for an entire grade level at 1 elementary school (1,000+ books!)
- $5,000 - Support summer reading for all K-2 students at 1 elementary school (over 2,000 books!)
About Books for Keeps
Books for Keeps was established with a core belief in mind: by creating open, equal access to books, we allow children the opportunity to connect the joy of reading with the thrill of discovery by coauthoring positive experiences they can forever associate with learning.
Since starting as a volunteer-led, grassroots program in 2009, Books for Keeps has distributed more than 1,000,000 books to children, teachers, fellow peer agencies, and other individuals in Georgia through book grants, community-based events, the Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library in Clarke County, and its flagship program Stop Summer Slide.Through partners in the publishing, nonprofit and book wholesale industries, we acquire books for as little as $0.35 to $3 a book. Your gift will help us take advantage of those opportunities.
Further, BFK seeks to demonstrate the inherent value of reading and therefore learning by leveraging the provided book access through community engagement activities and in-school programming such as our new Literacy Mentors Program. Your gift will support creating literacy-rich environments for all!
"I picked my daughter up from school and she was so excited to show and tell me about what was contained in the bright green bag that she toted so proudly. It was a bag full of beautiful and amazing books!!! We read all night. I cannot thank you all enough! Thank you for not only giving my daughter Christmas in April but all of the children!!!" ~Trion Brown, mother of Z'Mia
Books for Keeps founder, Melaney Smith, talks about the goals of the Stop Summer Slide program.